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CraftCMS module / plugin development - Webpack Hot Module Reloading AssetBundles


CraftCMS devs use Webpack Dev Server w/ Hot Module Reloading to generate module / plugin Asset Bundles. Now you can too.

Setup Craft

To get started you'll need:

  1. A CraftCMS v3.7.22+ install (also tested in CraftCMS v4.0)
  2. A custom module or plugin.

For the rest of the article I'm assuming you' ve created a module following the Craft docs.

Add an asset bundle to your module

Create the new Asset Bundle folders / files. Run the following in your console or create them manually.

mkdir -p modules/web/assets/cp/
mkdir -p modules/web/assets/cp/src/
mkdir -p modules/web/assets/cp/src/scss
touch modules/web/assets/cp/.env
touch modules/web/assets/cp/Asset.php
touch modules/web/assets/cp/webpack.config.js
touch modules/web/assets/cp/src/index.js
touch modules/web/assets/cp/src/scss/index.scss

Your project should look like this (only relevant folders / files shown):

├─ modules/
│  ├─ web/
│  │  └─ assets/
│  │     └─ cp/
│  │        ├─ src/
│  │        │  ├─ scss/
│  │        │  │  └─ index.scss
│  │        │  └─ index.js
│  │        ├─ .env
│  │        ├─ Asset.php
│  │        └─ webpack.config.js
│  └─ Module.php
└─ package.json

Let's dig a little deeper.


Copy and paste the examples provided into the corresponding files.

📄 modules/web/assets/cp/Asset.php

This file loads all the built javascript / css. Our Asset.php looks like:

namespace modules\web\assets\cp;

use craft\web\AssetBundle;
use craft\web\assets\cp\CpAsset;

class Asset extends AssetBundle
    public function init()
        // define the path that your publishable resources live
        $this->sourcePath = __DIR__ . '/dist';

        // define the dependencies
        $this->depends = [

        // define the relative path to CSS/JS files
        // that should be registered with the page
        // when this asset bundle is registered
        $this->js = [

        $this->css = [


📄 modules/Module.php

The Module.php file registers the AssetBundle . This could happen anywhere but for this demo we're keeping it simple.

Here's the bare minimum Module.php file:

namespace modules;

use Craft;
use modules\web\assets\cp\Asset;

class Module extends \yii\base\Module
    public function init()
        // Set a @modules alias pointed to the modules/ directory
        Craft::setAlias('@modules', __DIR__);

        // Set the controllerNamespace based on whether this is a console or web request
        if (Craft::$app->getRequest()->getIsConsoleRequest()) {
            $this->controllerNamespace = 'modules\\console\\controllers';
        } else {
            $this->controllerNamespace = 'modules\\controllers';



📄 modules/web/assets/cp/src/index.js

This will become the webpack entry point. Import all your js modules and css/scss libraries here.

import './scss/index.scss';


📄 modules/web/assets/cp/src/scss/index.scss

The imported .scss file. We'll use this to test HMR.

body {
  background: red;

📄 modules/web/assets/cp/webpack.config.js

This file extends Crafts default webpack configuration.

/* jshint esversion: 6 */
/* globals module, require */

// Load the CraftCMS webpack config helper
const {getConfig} = require('@craftcms/webpack');

// Export config
module.exports = getConfig({
    // Set the context to the current directory
    context: __dirname,
    // Set the entry points relative to the context
    // `Asset` is the filename of the generated js / css files:
    //   - dist/Asset.js
    //   - dist/Asset.css
    config: {
        entry: {'Asset': './index.js'},


This file must be in the same directory as Asset.php.

Run Webpack

Let's test our setup and see if our js / scss builds:

cd modules/web/assets/cp
npx webpack --mode=development

If everything went to plan there should be new files in modules/web/assets/cp/dist:

Our tree now looks like:

├─ modules/
│  ├─ web/
│  │  └─ assets/
│  │     └─ cp/
│  │        ├─ dist/
│  │        │  ├─ css/
│  │        │  │  ├─ Asset.css
│  │        │  │  └─
│  │        │  ├─ Asset.js
│  │        │  ├─ Asset.js.LICENSE.txt
│  │        │  └─ Asset.jsmmap
│  │        ├─ src/
│  │        │  ├─ scss/
│  │        │  │  └─ index.scss
│  │        │  └─ index.js
│  │        ├─ .env
│  │        ├─ Asset.php
│  │        └─ webpack.config.js
│  └─ Module.php
└─ package.json

Visit the control panel and the background should be red.

Hot Module Reloading using webpack DevServer

First check the webpack DevServer runs

# cd into the asset directory (if you're not already there)
$ cd modules/web/assets/cp
# fire up the dev server
$ npx webpack serve --mode=development

You should see something like:

<i> [webpack-dev-server] Project is running at:
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Loopback: http://localhost:8085/,
<i> [webpack-dev-server] Content not from webpack is served from 'my-project/modules/web/assets/cp/src/templates, my-project/modules/web/assets/cp/dist' directory

Check the files are being served correctly. Visit:


There's a lot webpack cruft… that's because we're running the DevServer.

If you refresh the CraftCMS admin the red background will have disappeared. That's because npx webpack serve empties the modules/web/assets/cp/dist/ directory.

Let's fix that.

Connect Craft to the dev-server

We added modules/web/assets/cp/.env to tell Craft about the dev server.

Add the following to the .env file (double check the domain and port)


Restart the DevServer and browse

The browser should show:

  "classes": [
  "context": "/usr/local/var/www/dev-diary.localhost/modules/web/assets/cp"

This url is used by Craft to check if the DevServer is running and which Assets should be served by the DevServer.

Visit the Craft admin and the background should be red.

Update modules/web/assets/cp/src/scss/index.scss:

body {
  background: blue;

Hit save and the Craft admin background should be blue.

If it is then you've just setup Webpack w/ Hot Module Reloading!